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Sales arguments



Improved Safety


Safety equipment is not supposed to be ugly, just sufficient.


Extibox complies with regulations (UK and European Regulations). The fire extinguisher remains easily accessible ans its visibility is increased thanks to the pictogram..


The attractive design of Extibox means the fire extinguishers can be placed in full view and thus become even more accessible.


The fire extinguishers are protected from dirt and damage. It should be reminded that once the pin has been pulled out, the repair would require an intervention not included in the maintenance contract.


Placed on the floor, the fire extinguisher can be easily located by people with impaired vision thus avoiding collisions with protruding equipment installed on walls. Moreover European regulations will soon make it obligatory to have identification at ground level. Extibox is completely in line with this evolution.


In medical establishments receiving young children or people suffering from neurological disorders, Extibox protects the fire extinguisher and prevents accidents arising from any mishandling.



An Asset in any decor


Extibox is an element of decoration in its own right. The rich variety of different combinations allows each client to personalize his safety system and find a solution to any decorating problem.


Extibox is very compact, takes up little space and yet accomodates all the types of fire extinguishers used in tertiary, administrative and commercial environments.


Thanks to its contemporary design, Extibox can play a rea part in architect' and designers' projects.


The polished chrome version, by mirroring its immediate surroundings, means it can melt into any environment, from the most classical to the most modern.



Easy and quick installation


Extibox weighs 800 gr, Extibox Up weighs 1.5Kg; despite their extreme lightness, they remain extremely rigid.


Their fire classification (Euroclass b2-S1-dO) is excellent and contributes to the safety of the building.


Assembling/Mounting is very simple and makes short work of the installation of the extinguisher.


Self-supporting, Extibox can be fastened to a wall with double-sided tape, the installation is quick and clean. The logistics costs are very low and interventions can be programmed more rapidly with clients, thus facilitating installation plans by companies.



Financial arguments


Extibox is first and foremost an element of safety equipment but also a decorative piece of furniture. Because of this, its price should be compared to that of furniture and to the investment the client wishes to engage in this field and more generally in the decoration of his establishment.


You should avoid comparing the price of Extibox with the price of the extinguisher itself. You should rather quote the price of tables and chairs, compare with the cost of renovation work carried out on their premises and also with the price of other makes of extinguisher covers on the market. They are often more expensive, but less attractive, less personalized and lower quality.


The budget allocated to extinguisher covers will vary greatly from one client to another:

- an architect or interior designer would have an investment budget similar to a management budget (general or communications) as it will improve the image of the company and the first impression it gives to clients. These budgets are often considerable compared to the budget earmarked for the purchase of extinguisher covers.

- the “general services” or “safety” budgets are allocated at the creation of the business and there is very little margin for extra investments if they haven’t been foreseen at the start. In this case, it’s better to play down the offer by suggesting strategic placing of a few extinguisher covers, i.e. in the reception area, zones reserved for visitors or for the Head Offices. Once installed, the client might well wish to add more in the following budget period, this time foreseeing a specific budget line to this end.

The investment can also be made gradually; the client can start with the base/stand and invest later in the hoods/covers.

Our team of advisers is at your disposal to respond to any particular requests which could enable you to conclude your commercial operations or to give advice on the technical implementation of the Extibox range.

We shall always keep you informed of any changes or developments.



marque et modèles déposés   registered trademark and models


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